March 12, 2023 zakaria

How to keep your trademark registration alive?

Trademark registration in Egypt

A Trademark can be defined as a type of intellectual property (IP).

What Trademark registration?

that protects:

  1. recognizable signs
  2. designs
  3. expressions of a product
  4. service
  5. individual

while copyright protects original authored works, such as a song, novel, work of art or database, upon their creation. Trademark registration helps more and more brands show off their products and services without fear of being infringed. However, that fearlessness only lasts for 10 years.

Registered trademark has a limitation period of ten years, after which it needs to be renewed. However, if you are vigilant about the time at which the trademark protection ends, you can save your trademark’s registration even before it expires. The process is called trademark renewal and it might seem complicated for the uninitiated who can make mistakes while filing it. Therefore, it’s best to let our trademark lawyers handle the whole renewal process to save you time and money for keeping the registration alive.

With the help of our legal team, we can reduce your risk of incurring greater official charges than filing the renewal on time and ensure that your trademark is not canceled for lack of commercial use. Consult us now and we will help you free up your time so you can focus on more profitable work .

The best trademarks registration in egypt

Trademark registration in Egypt

Trademark registration in Egypt

Youssef Hafez Company is the best trademark registration in Egypt, as Youssef Hafez & Partners Company was established in Egypt in 1985 by Youssef Hafez, who was one of the most prominent pioneers specialized in the protection of intellectual property rights in all its forms. Hence, the company globalized intellectual property activities to best serve the interests of our clients, becoming one of the best trademark registration or trademark renewal in Egypt.


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For any advice concerning your intellectual property rights or any related disputes, don't hesitate to contact our highly experienced attorneys to the following information.